Feminist School
A core principle of OWFI’s theory of change is that the empowerment of the women who graduate from our shelters to take on leadership positions in the organization. The Feminist School program has fostered strong new women activists and leaders, transforming women survivors of violence into fearless defenders of women. We prioritize them for hiring as staff and support them to be contributing and leading individuals. LGBTQ individuals at risk and in need of protection are also supported to become leaders in the activism work for gender equality. The most important work in OWFI is really carried by the women who are protected in OWFI’s shelter and know first hand the value of our work. Of the ten shelter directors, seven are women who at one time sought safety and support from OWFI’s sheltering. More than 20 former shelter recipients are now among our support staff team. The women who run and create the Al Mousawat radio programing are strong, vocal leaders who were protected in OWFI’s shelter at some point in their lives |
The Feminist School offers classes on three levels:
The basic classes are the beginning steps for illiterate women to rebuild their lives. These are literacy program, and are many times run by other shelter residents who can read and write.
The intermediate classes offer computer literacy programs and training in employable skills for women who are ready to begin developing a basis for their financial independence.
The advanced classes are offered to those women who have a high potential and drive to become leaders in the movement. These classes focus on Feminist Theory and Marxist-Socialist Theory.
A major component that all of these classes have in common is the focus on empowerment and confidence building at all levels.